Creating and using a set files in MT4

If you want to save your optimized EA settings, you can create your own set. And then use it to quick settings, as for real trading and for testing in the strategy tester.

By setting the required values in the tab "Inputs", in "Properties" click the "Save" button.

In the opened window, you will see the contents of the folder Presets MetaTreder 4, where it will be stored you created set. Give it a name and click "Save".

In order to quickly set the saved settings, click the "Load" button in the "Properties".

In the opened window, select the required set file and click "Open" will cause loading of saved settings from the EA.

You can download the set files from our web-site, for further work with them, they must also be placed in the folder "Рresets". For convenience of work with set of files you can transfer them in "Presets" in the folders. The same can be done for the strategy tester to move folders with set of files in the folder "tester".

Дата публикации: 18-04-2016, 13:33, Проссмотров: 1115

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